Statista’s B2B Ecommerce Report summarizes the situation with a punch: “Even though B2C eCommerce has witnessed widespread adoption, it is the recent evolution and growth of B2B eCommerce that is attracting the attention of buyers, sellers and investors all over the world.”


Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only. Statistic data Macroeconomic data on countries Infographics Sectoral data Digital market outlooks Consumer market outlooks Specific features All data can be dowloaded in PowerPoint, Excel, PDF or PNG format.

Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm, GMT Weekly eCommerce insights The ecommerceDB newsletter Join our free weekly newsletter to get the With an increasing number of Statista-cited media articles, Statista has established itself as a reliable partner for the largest media companies of the world. Our reliability Statista is a German company specializing in market and consumer data. According to the company, its platform contains more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries, and generates a revenue of about €60 million. Der Statista Global Consumer Survey untersucht das Konsumverhalten weltweit und liefert wertvolle Insights für Werbetreibende, Planer und Produktmanager.


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This is the Statista company profile. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Statista. Statista, New York, New York. 57,692 likes · 1,180 talking about this · 42 were here. Watch our free webinar to learn more about use cases in the field of advertising and marketing where Statista Statista provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on more than 600 industries.

Get in touch with Mats Johansson, Chief Growth Officer. +46 76 647  annons.

Das Marktforschungsunternehmen Statista hat für die 14 deutschen Städte mit mehr als 500.000 Einwohner*innen auf Basis der Daten der Landesämter für Statistik die Anzahl der im Jahr 2018 neu errichteten Wohngebäude und gewerblich genutzter Gebäude ermittelt und anhand wissenschaftlich basierter Umrechnungsfaktoren die jeweiligen Dachflächen ermittelt.

Categorized into over 21  Statista is an online portal providing data on the global digital economy, industrial sectors, consumer markets, public opinion, media, demography and  Statista Inc. is the leading statistics company on the internet. With a team of over 80 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users  Quantitative data categorized into 21 market sectors such as media, business, finance, and politics.


Der Statista Global Consumer Survey untersucht das Konsumverhalten weltweit und liefert wertvolle Insights für Werbetreibende, Planer und Produktmanager. 1.000.000+ Interviews 56 Länder

Our reliability Statista is a German company specializing in market and consumer data. According to the company, its platform contains more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries, and generates a revenue of about €60 million. Der Statista Global Consumer Survey untersucht das Konsumverhalten weltweit und liefert wertvolle Insights für Werbetreibende, Planer und Produktmanager.

Statista’s B2B Ecommerce Report summarizes the situation with a punch: “Even though B2C eCommerce has witnessed widespread adoption, it is the recent evolution and growth of B2B eCommerce that is attracting the attention of buyers, sellers and investors all over the world.” Statista | 113.016 Follower auf LinkedIn Watch our free webinar to learn more about use cases in the field of technology and IT. | Statista ist das Unternehmen hinter, einem der weltweit größten Statistik-Portale.
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IPlytics, a German market intelligence company, reveals in a recent report entitled 'Who is patenting AI technology?', the companies  Mar 4, 2021 Statista Integrates more than 80,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 22,500 international sources. Includes statistics and studies  Apr 9, 2020 Within a few years, Statista has established itself as a reliable partner for the largest media companies of the world.

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Titta igenom exempel på statista översättning i meningar, lyssna på uttal och lära dig grammatik. Statista.

With an increasing number of Statista-cited media articles, Statista has established itself as a reliable partner for the largest media companies of the world. Our reliability

Available on  Statista is a statistics and market data platform with access to more than 1 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics on 80  Statista. En lättanvänd portal med statistik och marknadsinformation Chalmers bibliotek rekommenderar Statista därför att det är en användbar plattform för  Statista hämtar data från mer än 20 000 källor och kombinerar ekonomisk data, industrirapporter, konsumentinsikter, opinionsundersökningar och demografiska. No Results Found. We could not find what you were looking for. X-Yachts. Luxury performance cruising yachts, built in Denmark since 1979.

Statista Inc. was founded in 2011. The company's line of business includes performing commercial business, marketing, opinion, and other economic research. SECTOR Newsweek has partnered with Statista Inc., the global market research and consumer data firm, to develop the ranking of the world's best hospitals for the third year.